Rodičovské spoločenstvo pri ZŠ Antona Bernoláka

Ples 2016

Ples 2016

Ples 2016

Vo fašiangovom čase sa aj tento rok naše rodičovské spoločenstvo podujalo zorganizovať v piatok 29. januára 2016 od 19:00 ples pre rodičov, učiteľov, priateľov školy a ich priateľov a … skrátka pre všetkých, ktorí sa chceli spolu s nami zabaviť v príjemnej spoločnosti a peknom prostredí – na našom tradičnom mieste – v jedálni Strednej odbornej školy obchodu na Jahodníkoch. Hoci týždeň pred začiatkom plesu bolo prihlásených iba okolo 50 záujemcov a konanie plesu bolo ohrozené, posledný týždeň sa mnohí „spamätali“ resp. „rozkývali“ a počet sa doplnil na solídnych okolo 90 plesajúcich. Ples sa niesol v znamení osláv 25. výročia založenia školy a tak sme ho nazvali ako narodeninovú oslavu resp. párty. Preto za „oslávenca“ na úvod vystúpil riaditeľ školy p. Chabada s krátkym príhovorom na tému výročia školy. No a aká by to bola narodeninová oslava bez TORTY. O tú sa postarala práve jedna účastníčka plesu – a nebola to torta obyčajná, ale muffinová (tvorená z muffín), takže sme nemali žiadny problém s jej krájaním.
Keďže sme si povedali, že na škole máme veľa šikovných a talentovaných pedagógov a žiakov, tak sme o program poprosili práve ich. A veru nás nesklamali. Učitelia spolu s niekoľkýmio žiakmi najprv predniesli zmes známych i menej známych ľudových piesní v klasickom i netradičnom viachlasom prevedení. Potom cez parket zadul uragán deviatakov s choreografiou známeho „belgičáka“ (belgického tanca – skupina Lais, pieseň TSmidje). Dlho nás ale nenechali iba sa pohodlne dívať a počúvať. Po úvodnej tanečnej ukážke každý deviatak vytiahol od stola niektorého z účatníkov a učili nás túto choreografiu. Napriek „miernemu“ chaosu, sácaniu sa a aj stúpaniu po topánkach si všetci užili kopec zábavy. Pre veľký úspech si deviatali vybrali aj druhú várku „spolutanečníkov“. Po dobrej večeri náš „nový“ mladý DJ Ivan spustil vír tanca – valčíky, polky, tangá, čardáše i moderné tance. A veru aj sám sa pritom poriadne „vlnil“. Odychovú pauzu medzi tancami vypĺňala ľudová hudba štyroch muzikantov (známych z našich minulých plesov – jeden z hudobníkov je členom nášho rodičovského spoločenstva), ktorí chodili medzi stolmi a hrali nám do spevu až priamo „do uška“. A keďže sa to mnohými málilo, presunuli sa aj na chodbu a tam spustili gejzír ľudových pesničiek, ku ktorým sa pridávala improvizovaná spevácka skupina – najmä chlapov.
S blížiacou sa polnocou sa rozpútala doslova „bitka“ o tombolové lístky – a veruže bol o na taký veľký záujem, že sme ešte museli narýchlo improvizovane vyrobiť ďalšie. Niektorých lákala bohatá ponuka tombolových cien (bolo ich takmer 50), ale väčina kúpou veľkého množstva tombolových lístkov chcela hlavne podporiť dobrú vec – výťažok z tomboly, tak ako po minulé roky bol určený na konkrétne projekty vybavenia školy resp. školského areálu, kroré sa dodatočne dohodnú so školou. Po tombole pokračovala zábava až do neskorých nočných (alebo skorých ranných?) hodín. Energiu sme po polnoci doplňovali z bohatých švédskych stolov. Posledný plesajúci sa rozchádzali až okolo štvrtej rannej hodine s ubolenými nohami, ale v dobrej nálade. Dúfame, že ples sa všetkým páčil, aj vďaka neúnavnej a obetavej organizátorskej práce (počas niekoľkých mesiacoch pred plesom) našej predsedníčky rodičovského spoločenstva p. Jurečekovej, ktorý celý ples aj moderovala.




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  6. CharlesVox píše:

    Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) is a software that helps Steam users protect their accounts by means of two-factor authentication (2FA). this tool provides an extra layer of security by generating temporary codes that are required to log into your account.

    Installation and Setup

    1. Download: The touchstone is that you must download Steam Desktop Authenticator from the official GitHub repository. Find the „Releases“ section and choose the latest version to download.

    2. Installation: Once downloaded, unzip the archive to a convenient for you computer location. The program does not ask for complicated installation, you will be able to run it directly from the unzipped folder.

    3. Setup: When you first run the program, it will ask you to enter your Steam account details. Make sure that you have Steam Guard enabled, since the add will ask for a configuration file that Steam generates for authentication.


    – After option, [url=]скачать steam desktop authenticator github[/url] will generate unique codes that are updated every 30 seconds. These codes must be entered when logging into your Steam account or when proving transactions that require additional security.

    – Adding a new account: You will be able to add multiple accounts to SDA, which is useful for those who have multiple Steam profiles.


    – Security: Using SDA significantly increases the security level of your account, guarding it from unauthorized access.

    – Convenience: Unlike a mobile app, you will be able to use SDA directly your computer.


    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a powerful tool for improving the security of your Steam user account. Regular implementation of two-factor authentication will help protect your data and prevent unauthorized access. Always watch the software updates on GitHub to stay up to date with the final configurations and improvements!

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  8. Chesterquaro píše:

    Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) is a software that assists Steam users protect their accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA). this tool provides an extra layer of security by generating temporary codes that are required to log into your account.

    Installation and Setup

    1. Download: The first step is that you need to download Steam Desktop Authenticator from the official GitHub repository. Find the „Releases“ section and choose the final version to download.

    2. Installation: Once downloaded, unzip the archive to a comfortable your computer location. The program does not ask for difficult installation, you will be able to run it specifically from the unzipped folder.

    3. Setup: When you first run the little program, it will ask you to enter your Steam account details. Make sure that you have Steam Guard enabled, because the add will ask for a configuration file that Steam generates for authentication.


    – After option, [url=]sda steam[/url] will generate unique codes that are updated every 30 seconds. These codes must be entered when logging into your Steam account or when verifying transactions that require additional security.

    – Adding a new account: You will be able to add multiple accounts to SDA, which is useful those who have multiple Steam profiles.


    – Security: Using SDA very much increases the security level of your account, defending it from unauthorized access.

    – Convenience: Unlike a mobile app, you will be able to use SDA directly your computer.


    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a powerful tool for improving the security of your Steam account. Regular use of two-factor authentication will help protect your data and prevent unauthorized access. Always keep an eye on the software updates on GitHub to stay up to date with the final changes and improvements!

  9. dublikaty_noMl píše:

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  10. CharlesVox píše:

    Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) is a application that helps Steam users protect their accounts by means of two-factor authentication (2FA). This tool provides an extra layer of security by generating temporary codes that are required to log into your account.

    Installation and Setup

    1. Download: The first step is that you need to download Steam Desktop Authenticator from the official GitHub repository. Find the „Releases“ section and choose the final version to download.

    2. Installation: Once downloaded, unzip the archive to a comfortable for you computer location. the little program does not require difficult installation, you can run it directly from the unzipped folder.

    3. Setup: When you first run the little program, it will ask you to enter your Steam account details. Make sure that you have Steam Guard enabled, since the application will ask for a configuration file that Steam generates for authentication.


    – After setting up, [url=]steam desktop authenticator гитхаб[/url] will generate unique codes that are updated every 30 seconds. These codes have to be entered when logging into your Steam account or when verifying transactions that require additional security.

    – Adding a new account: You can add multiple accounts to SDA, which is useful for those who have multiple Steam profiles.


    – Security: Using SDA very much increases the security level of your account, guarding it from unauthorized access.

    – Convenience: Unlike a mobile app, you will be able to use SDA directly on your computer.


    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a powerful tool for improving the security of your Steam account. Regular use of two-factor authentication will help protect your data and warn unauthorized access. Always keep an eye on the application updates on GitHub to stay up to date with the final configurations and improvements!

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  13. Chesterquaro píše:

    Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) это программа, которая подсобляет юзерам Steam защищать свои аккаунты при помощи двухфакторной аутентификации (2FA). данный инструмент предоставляет дополнительный уровень безопасности, генерируя временные коды, которые необходимы для входа в аккаунт.

    Установка и Настройка

    1. Скачивание: Пробным камнем вам необходимо загрузить Steam Desktop Authenticator с официального репозитория GitHub. Найдите раздел „Releases“ и выберите заключительную версию для загрузки.

    2. Установка: После загрузки распакуйте архив в комфортное вам место на компьютере. Программа не просит трудной установки, вы сможете запускать её непосредственно из распакованной папки.

    3. Настройка: При первом запуске программка попросит вас ввести данные вашего аккаунта Steam. Убедитесь, что у вас включен Steam Guard, так как приложение будет запрашивать файл конфигурации, который Steam генерирует для аутентификации.


    – После настройки SDA будет генерировать уникальные коды, которые обновляются каждые 30 секунд. Эти коды надо будет вводить при входе в акк Steam или при доказательстве операций, требующих дополнительной безопасности.

    – Прибавленье нового аккаунта: вы можете добавить несколько аккаунтов в SDA, что полезно для тех, у кого есть несколько профилей в Steam.


    – Безопасность: Использование [url=]скачать steam desktop authenticator github[/url] веско увеличивает уровень безопасности вашего аккаунта, оберегая его от несанкционированного доступа.

    – Удобство: В отличие от мобильного приложения, вы можете использовать SDA прямо на вашем компьютере.


    Steam Desktop Authenticator это мощный инструмент для улучшения безопасности вашего аккаунта Steam. Регулярное внедрение двухфакторной аутентификации поможет защитить ваши данные и предотвратить несанкционированный доступ. Всегда следите за обновлениями программы на GitHub, чтоб быть в курсе заключительных конфигураций и улучшений!

  14. CharlesVox píše:

    Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA) is a software that assists Steam users protect their accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA). this tool provides an extra layer of security by generating temporary codes that are required to log into your account.

    Installation and Setup

    1. Download: The touchstone is that you must download Steam Desktop Authenticator from the official GitHub repository. Find the „Releases“ section and select the final version to download.

    2. Installation: Once downloaded, unzip the archive to a convenient for you computer location. The program does not ask for difficult installation, you will be able to run it specifically from the unzipped folder.

    3. Setup: When you first run the program, it will ask you to enter your Steam account details. Make sure that you have Steam Guard enabled, since the add will ask for a configuration file that Steam generates for authentication.


    – After option, [url=]steam desktop authenticator github[/url] will generate unique codes that are updated every 30 seconds. These codes have to be entered when logging into your Steam account or when verifying transactions that require additional security.

    – Adding a new account: You can add multiple accounts to SDA, which is useful for those who have multiple Steam profiles.


    – Security: Using SDA significantly increases the security level of your account, guarding it from unauthorized access.

    – Convenience: Unlike a mobile app, you will be able to use SDA directly your computer.


    Steam Desktop Authenticator is a powerful tool for improving the security of your Steam user account. Regular use of two-factor authentication will help protect your data and warn unauthorized access. Always watch the software updates on GitHub to stay up to date with the final changes and improvements!

  15. AmandaNaf píše:

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