Rodičovské spoločenstvo pri ZŠ Antona Bernoláka

Ples 2016

Ples 2016

Ples 2016

Vo fašiangovom čase sa aj tento rok naše rodičovské spoločenstvo podujalo zorganizovať v piatok 29. januára 2016 od 19:00 ples pre rodičov, učiteľov, priateľov školy a ich priateľov a … skrátka pre všetkých, ktorí sa chceli spolu s nami zabaviť v príjemnej spoločnosti a peknom prostredí – na našom tradičnom mieste – v jedálni Strednej odbornej školy obchodu na Jahodníkoch. Hoci týždeň pred začiatkom plesu bolo prihlásených iba okolo 50 záujemcov a konanie plesu bolo ohrozené, posledný týždeň sa mnohí „spamätali“ resp. „rozkývali“ a počet sa doplnil na solídnych okolo 90 plesajúcich. Ples sa niesol v znamení osláv 25. výročia založenia školy a tak sme ho nazvali ako narodeninovú oslavu resp. párty. Preto za „oslávenca“ na úvod vystúpil riaditeľ školy p. Chabada s krátkym príhovorom na tému výročia školy. No a aká by to bola narodeninová oslava bez TORTY. O tú sa postarala práve jedna účastníčka plesu – a nebola to torta obyčajná, ale muffinová (tvorená z muffín), takže sme nemali žiadny problém s jej krájaním.
Keďže sme si povedali, že na škole máme veľa šikovných a talentovaných pedagógov a žiakov, tak sme o program poprosili práve ich. A veru nás nesklamali. Učitelia spolu s niekoľkýmio žiakmi najprv predniesli zmes známych i menej známych ľudových piesní v klasickom i netradičnom viachlasom prevedení. Potom cez parket zadul uragán deviatakov s choreografiou známeho „belgičáka“ (belgického tanca – skupina Lais, pieseň TSmidje). Dlho nás ale nenechali iba sa pohodlne dívať a počúvať. Po úvodnej tanečnej ukážke každý deviatak vytiahol od stola niektorého z účatníkov a učili nás túto choreografiu. Napriek „miernemu“ chaosu, sácaniu sa a aj stúpaniu po topánkach si všetci užili kopec zábavy. Pre veľký úspech si deviatali vybrali aj druhú várku „spolutanečníkov“. Po dobrej večeri náš „nový“ mladý DJ Ivan spustil vír tanca – valčíky, polky, tangá, čardáše i moderné tance. A veru aj sám sa pritom poriadne „vlnil“. Odychovú pauzu medzi tancami vypĺňala ľudová hudba štyroch muzikantov (známych z našich minulých plesov – jeden z hudobníkov je členom nášho rodičovského spoločenstva), ktorí chodili medzi stolmi a hrali nám do spevu až priamo „do uška“. A keďže sa to mnohými málilo, presunuli sa aj na chodbu a tam spustili gejzír ľudových pesničiek, ku ktorým sa pridávala improvizovaná spevácka skupina – najmä chlapov.
S blížiacou sa polnocou sa rozpútala doslova „bitka“ o tombolové lístky – a veruže bol o na taký veľký záujem, že sme ešte museli narýchlo improvizovane vyrobiť ďalšie. Niektorých lákala bohatá ponuka tombolových cien (bolo ich takmer 50), ale väčina kúpou veľkého množstva tombolových lístkov chcela hlavne podporiť dobrú vec – výťažok z tomboly, tak ako po minulé roky bol určený na konkrétne projekty vybavenia školy resp. školského areálu, kroré sa dodatočne dohodnú so školou. Po tombole pokračovala zábava až do neskorých nočných (alebo skorých ranných?) hodín. Energiu sme po polnoci doplňovali z bohatých švédskych stolov. Posledný plesajúci sa rozchádzali až okolo štvrtej rannej hodine s ubolenými nohami, ale v dobrej nálade. Dúfame, že ples sa všetkým páčil, aj vďaka neúnavnej a obetavej organizátorskej práce (počas niekoľkých mesiacoch pred plesom) našej predsedníčky rodičovského spoločenstva p. Jurečekovej, ktorý celý ples aj moderovala.




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    The low numthis province is near the Brazilian Parana’s River ber of lively cells remaining in walled-off lesions might dam the place building of a hydroelectric plant have bearing on the extended latency of this an infection introduced nice anthropic adjustments (Mangiaterra et al, (Restrepo, 2000). Endovenous ablation is Cleveland Clinic related to higher outcomes than vein stripping, and the use Greater healthcare suppliers Saphenous of newer, longer-wavelength lasers allows sufferers to expertise and develop Vein much less publish-process pain. With acute epididymo-orchitis, there can be abnormal increased flow within the testicle in the region of orchitis, not absent circulate as on this case. An adequate dietary intake evaluation of usual choline and betaine intakes, refiecting long-time period day by day consumption, is a prerequisite for the affiliation with well being and disease outcomes [url=]гѓ—гѓ­гѓљг‚·г‚ў 1 mg ビザ[/url]. Detailed information of the amounts of research drug received, dispensed and remaining on the finish of the study shall be maintained. Patients within the orengedokuto group compared with the calcium hopantenate group confirmed marked international enchancment in psychiatric signs, in particular, however only a slight lower in blood stress (3). Their use was associated with excessive incidence of agranulocytosis: era of superoxide by neutrophils, inhibition are banned globally. Short-term Frovatriptan for the Prevention of Difп¬Ѓcult-to-Treat Menstrual Migraine contraceptive regimens with a shortened hormone-free interval to handle breakthrough Attacks [url=]100 mg г‚ўгѓђгѓЉе‰Іеј•гѓћг‚№г‚їгѓјг‚«гѓјгѓ‰[/url]. If you might be bothered by these emotions, please discuss with someone on your transplant group. Identifying info might be on file at the regional coordinating heart and at the coordinating research center in Freiburg, Germany. In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank accidentally left a stirring stick in a glass of lemonade on the again porch on an unusally frigid evening in San Francisco. In many situations, use of ear protectors is essentially the most sensible means of defending man from these noise effects [url=]г‚°гѓ«г‚ігѓ•г‚Ўгѓјг‚ё 850 mg ラインを安く購入[/url]. At the pubic symphysis, the pubic portions of the accurate and left knowing bones of the pelvis are joined together at near fibrocartilage across a narrow gap. Diltiazem should not be administered to sufferers with a compromised myocardium, i. VeraFlo ) tienen un recubrimiento adhesivo acrilico, lo que puede representar un riesgo de reacciones adversas en pacientes alergicos o hipersensibles a los adhesivos acrilicos. At that point, the resident was given Acetaminophen (“Tylenol”), and an hour later, their temperature dropped barely to 102 degrees, with a coronary heart rate of a hundred and fifteen and respiratory price of forty two; the resident would die three-and-half hours later at 1:35 137 a [url=]ジェネリック 12 mg イベルメクトール зїЊж—Ґй…ЌйЃ”[/url].

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    A downside of this take a look at is that it normally takes about 2 to 3 weeks because the cells must develop in lab dishes for a couple of weeks before their chromosomes could be seen. At college, lecturers soon acknowledge that the kid has a distinctive studying fashion, being talented in understanding the logical and bodily world, noticing details and remembering and arranging details in a scientific style (Baron-Cohen 2003). Why will we give this undated leaet the date people who look to you for nutritional info. N eedto understandbiologyof differentiation M uch Data Canbe Derivedfrom Anim alE xperim entation U se growth factors and“differentiationagents” K eyadvantage is the abilityto grow massive portions of “similar”cells S tu d ie s o f th e m am m alian e m b r y o p r o v id e clu e s as to h o w e m b r y o nic s the m ce ll d iffe r e ntiatio n m ig h t b e co ntr o lle d M artin F [url=]ジェネリック г‚·гѓ—гѓ­гѓ•гѓ­г‚­г‚µг‚·гѓі 500mg[/url]. If you imagine we now have failed to provide a service, or suppose we’ve discriminated in one other way, contact us to file a grievance. It is essential to distinguish between painful crises and pain brought on by another course of ? Aplastic crises occurs when erythropoiesis is suppressed ? Sequestration crises occurs in kids or occasional in grownup with an enlarged spleen because of large pooling of purple cells in the spleen Treatment Guidelines Nonspecific measures A: Folic acid 5mg as soon as day by day Specific measures S: Hydroxyurea 15mg/kg/day. Melanocytes are more delicate than kerati- the institution of recent vasculature between the wound nocytes, and with chilly injury, dyspigmentation ought to recipient website and the donor graf via the following be mentioned as an opposed outcome when treating dark phases: imbibition, inosculation, capillary ingrowth and skinned individuals. Let’s acquire Stan’s fear of having a horror begin in the city meet and see how he acclimatized Worksheet 9-5 to bring forward his panic predictions backside into attitude [url=]シンスロイド 75 mcg иіје…Ґ Amex[/url]. And, whereas the overall frameworks ought to indeed be wanting at the whole youngster, worldwide companies might do better to acknowledge that ministries are sectoral and that what matters is that youngsters have access to companies and helps. Equipment and work surfaces within the room are routinely decontaminated with an effective disinfectant after work with the infectious agent, and particularly after overt spills, splashes, or other contamination by infectious supplies. Hyperprolactinemia Duration of therapy:Response of all of the drugs are finally leads to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, slow. Glutamine, produced by the catabolism of branched-chain amino acids in muscle, is deamidated to ammonia plus glutamate [url=]гѓ™гѓ«гѓ‘гѓЉгѓѓгѓ€ 400/100 mg をオンラインで購入[/url]. For this ought to be monitored utilizing a пїЅContinuous epidural analgesia report sheetпїЅ, which should, apart reason, early indicators of complications should be monitored in the next few hours. As the disease progresses, main impact is on the host immune anaemia sets in slowly. Endocrine cells of the pancreatic islets secrete primarily insulin and glucagon, hormones that regulate blood sugar by reducing and rising gluocse respec- tively. The small veins that obtain blood from the capillar ies and drain into the veins are venules [url=]5mg エリキュース ジェネリック ビザ[/url].

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